From the leatherbound volumes of my notebooks to your screen comes the blog of The Gallowglass Rat…
For a few years now, I have been creating narratives and the means to build stories. Inspired to no end by my own adventures, the writers who came before me, and the well chosen words of the people close to me, I strive to create tales of action and adventure that make folks smile. In the world of Mytyrra, I have created a cradle for my work as a professional Dungeon Master, homebrewing a world for the amusement of no one but myself and my pals. Without expectation of recognition, I toil away crafting elven empires and dragons’ lairs, sharing them here for your perusal. In my short stories, I hope to capture a similar sense of adventure in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. If you’ve only got five minutes, You can find my bite-sized content here!
RPG Content Short Stories Savage Lands of Mytyrra

The Birth of Brae: An Introduction to Mytyrra’s Highlands
The Fomorian warchief beckons you closer, glaring from beneath his silver helm with the eyes of an ancient dragon slayer. What mysteries do they conceal…?

Concerning Ivy Dragons
Slinking in the branches, flush with the forest floor, a toothy death awaits…

Campara: Chalice of the North
In cyprus groves, the bones of a dragon empire form an elven throne…

The Dream War: When the Cosmos Devoured
Your hands open the volume, the writings of the elders. In each word, the book seems to breathe…

The “No Roll Puzzle” and Meta Immersion in Roleplaying
Put down the dice and pick up that big brain of yours…

Pyrrhic Victories: A History of the War of Weeds
Glasswater is steeped in natural treasures. It was only a matter of time until the knights of Batholith came to call…

The Ever-Dim, A Stage-Door Staple in the City of Omens
So long as the candles on Tavern Row burn in the city of Gloamen, the shadows bide their time…

The Silver Steppes: A History of Gothic Grasslands
Things go bump in the night, and the lamplight can only last so long…

Dark & Stormy
“Old spaceman tales. Ghost stories. Cast through time, he hollered, pleading for her to understand…”

Glasswater: On Swamps, Secrets, and a Different Kind of Halfling
Wading into worldbuilding with some water-faring little folk…

Margaritaville: Mapping RPG Worlds with (Only) Taverns
You meet in a tavern…